
Civil society groups: Slovakia’s Roma Strategy is a good place to start for desegregation

August 27, 2019

The recently released Roma Civil Monitor (RCM) assessment of the implementation of Slovakia’s National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS) has found that while the state is willing to adopt policies promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged people generally such as introducing free universal lunch in kindergarten and primary school, desegregating the education system needs to become more of a priority, and the National Roma Integration Strategy could be an important guide.

The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe

August 26, 2019

A new edited volume will be published soon (~February 2020) by Berghahn Books on how Roma identity is expressed in contemporary Europe. Editors are CEU Assistant Professor Angela Kocze and Huub van Baar, Assistant Professor at the Justus-Liebig University Giessen in Germany and Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Roma Civil Monitor: new reports available for the Czech Republic, Germany and the UK

Three more countries have finalized their reports focusing on the key policy areas of education, employment, healthcare and housing: the Czech Republic, Germany and the United Kingdom.

The reports were prepared in the frame of the 2nd monitoring cycle of the Roma Civil Monitor project which investigates progress assessment in key policy areas of the national Roma integration strategy.

Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies II: Assessing progress in key policy areas of the strategy in:

Terms of Engagement: How social movements influence government policy in a one-party state

July 5, 2019

Caitlin Wyndham, Phd candidate at the CEU Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations, has successfully defended her dissertation titled “Terms of Engagement: How social movements influence government policy in a one-party state”. Her supervisor was Violetta Zentai, CPS co-director and research fellow.

National consultations: A mix of old and new technology in Hungary

A new TROPICO project brief is posted by CPS researchers Agnes Batory and Sara Svensson about the Hungarian National Consultation.