Work with us

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Note: The Center for Policy Studies is in a process of transitioning into the framework of the newly formed CEU Democracy Institute, and therefore we cannot commit ourselves to hosting any internship placements or visiting scholars until new CEU DI structures are in place. 

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Visiting Scholars

The CPS operates a visiting scholar scheme for academics or practitioners interested in public policy research. Fellows may be interested in working at the Center to write up existing research, to develop new projects, or generally to enjoy the academic and professional resources available at the CEU. Visiting scholars will receive practical help to settle into Budapest (including visa and residency issues), they may be allocated office space, and in general, have access to all CEU facilities. In order to help ensure that they can make the most of their time at CEU, a CPS researcher will act as a main contact point and help make introductions to colleagues at CEU and the wider academic and practitioner community in Budapest.

In exchange, fellows are encouraged to present their work to colleagues which, depending on the work and the fellow, could be a staff seminar, presentation to  a research group, a public lecture, or a workshop. Fellows would be expected to provide one publication for the CPS working paper series. Peer review can be arranged and final formatting is done by the staff of the Center.

Those interested in the Visiting Scholar scheme of the Center should send a detailed CV, a 3-5 page outline of their research work, two English-language sample publications, and the tentative length and timing of their proposed CPS stay. For more information, inquires and submission of materials please contact

At present the CPS cannot offer financial support to those taking part in the Visiting Scholars scheme.


The CPS internship is suitable for early career applicants interested in a university-based policy research. CPS will compile a tailor-made program for the intern that takes into account her/his experience, skill-set, research plans, areas of interest, and research engagement potentials in ongoing research initiatives at the Center. Each intern is assigned a mentor who will usually be one or more of the Research Fellows of the Center. Internships are usually 2-6 months in length.

Interns will receive practical help to settle into Budapest (including visa and residency issues), they may be allocated office space, and have full access to the CEU facilities. The CEU Library is one of the largest English language libraries in the region and well supplied with social science research. Interns can also benefit from the rich intellectual life at the university, with regular workshops, conferences, presentations and distinguished speaker events.

Those interested in a CPS internship should send a detailed CV, a letter of intent indicating their research interests and how these connect to the CPS research agenda, as well as an English-language writing sample. For more information, inquires, and submission of materials please contact

At present the CPS cannot offer financial support to those taking on an internship at the Center.